# Configuration

Goodtables.io is configured via a goodtables.yml file in the root directory. For example, you can define:

  • Which files goodtables should validate

  • Which spreadsheet page should be validated

  • What delimiter your CSV file uses (e.g. ;)

  • Which validation checks should be executed

The rest of this page is divided in sections on common things you want to change. For the full reference, check the [goodtables.yml file reference][gtyml-reference].

## Defining the files to validate

By default goodtables validates all files with extension CSV, ODS, XLS, or XLSX, and all files named datapackage.json.

You can overwrite the default files in goodtables.yml:

```yaml files:

  • source: data1.csv schema: schema1.json

  • source: data2.xls schema: schema2.json


Alternatively, you can define a pattern like:

`yaml files: '*.csv' `

You can also configure how the file is loaded using the options:

`eval_rst +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | Option                            | Description                       | +===================================+===================================+ | format                            | The file format (csv, xls, ...)   | +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | encoding                          | The file encoding (utf-8, ...)    | +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ | skip_rows                         | Either the number of rows to      | |                                   | skip, or an array of strings      | |                                   | (e.g. ``#, //, …). Rows | | | that begin with any of the | | | strings will be ignored. | +———————————–+———————————–+ ```

## Validating data packages

By default goodtables validates all files named datapackage.json.

You can overwrite this default in goodtables.yml:

```yaml datapackages:

  • report1/datapackage.json

  • report2/datapackage.json


## Validating CSV files with custom dialects

You can configure how the CSV file is loaded by adding one of the following options on goodtables.yml:

```yaml files:

  • source: data.csv delimiter: ; doublequote: True escapechar: lineterminator: rn quotechar: “


The entire list of options can be found on the [Python CSV formatting reference][python-csv-docs].

## Defining the spreadsheet page to validate

By default goodtables validates the first sheet of a spreadsheet.

You can overwrite the default sheet in goodtables.yml:

```yaml files:

  • source: data.xlsx sheet: 3


## Changing the limit of rows to validate

By default goodtables validates at most 1,000 rows. You can change it in goodtables.yml:

```yaml settings:

row_limit: 2000


## Defining which validation checks are executed

By default goodtables runs all validation checks. You can customize which checks are executed in goodtables.yml:

```yaml settings:


# You can pass check types - structure - schema # … or individual checks - blank-header - duplicate-row - missing-value


# You can also skip individual checks - minimum-constraint


Note that if you use the checks setting, you have to define all checks you want to be used. Because of this, we recommend using skip_checks instead.

The list of validation checks can be found on the [goodtables-py documentation][gtpy-docs].

## Automatically inferring the schema

By default goodtables does not infer the data schema. You can enable inferring in goodtables.yml:

```yaml settings:

infer_schema: True infer_fields: True


Goodtables will infer the schema of all files and columns that don’t have an explicit schema.

[gtyml-reference]: goodtables_yml.html “goodtables.yml file reference” [python-csv-docs]: https://docs.python.org/3.6/library/csv.html#csv-fmt-params “Python CSV Formatting docs” [gtpy-docs]: https://github.com/frictionlessdata/goodtables-py “Goodtables.py documentation”